Our Vision

We are a group of artists, entrepreneurs, and visionaries interested in supporting a new paradigm in global development. We believe those experiencing wealth and success have a responsibility to help others access the resources to create their own prosperity through innovation and enterprise.

What We Are:

  1. A Catalyst. Financial support is critical to unlocking millions of new ideas. We provide easy to access without the myriad of hoops and bureaucracy imposed by traditional foundations.

  2. Entrepreneurs. We believe markets and enterprise play a key role in creating a sustainable future for humanity and our environment.

  3. Investors for Impact. While we seek financial gain from our investments, this capital will ultimately be used to cover our program costs and grow our capacity to award grants. Shareholders in our Social Impact Fund will receive no payout, only the satisfaction of spurring the growth of new ideas around the world.

  4. Investors for the Planet. We only support new innovations which work for the humanity and our planet.

What We Are Not:

  1. A charity. While charitable giving has a place to support humanity’s most vulnerable communities, we do not believe it is a viable, long term solution to alleviating poverty.